Game Design

Game Design

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Game design seems hard yet after reading a few articles you soon realised how easy it can be to design and create a game. In my mind to create a game you have to be a genius with all of the knowledge of coding but after reading a post by Angela He" From Zero to Game Designer: how to start building video games even if you don’t have any experience" you realise that in order to create a game all you need to have is an idea, information about what kind of game you want it to be and the purpose, characters, some experience playing games, and some passion. 

After reading the class reading task I realise you can create a game by drawing a simple line on a paper and dividing it into sections forming a challenge for the character. The next step is to choose a character and the enemy for example I chose an apple as the main character and a girl as the enemy. The apple runs away from the girl because the girl loves apples and there you have a simple game. You add conflict and there you have a game. It is simple. 

 I saw this character design on Behance and I like how the characters are all the same height and form but they all look different in their own way which makes them stand out. Character design is your creativity and it can be anything. These characters would look great in a game.

Character Design

A video by Tim Suswick How to get inspired is a step by step on how to get inspiration for game development. This video helped me with my inspiration and a look at what Tim Suswick was inspired by. There are games that only have a couple of characters yet they are fun to play with. In my opinion the game industry is very fascinating and I can not wait to start my game.

Reference list

-Cemenko, E., 2016. Tap Knight. Behance. Available at: [Accessed October 1, 2021]. 

 -He, A.,(2018). From Zero to game designer: How to start building video games even if you don't have any experience. Available at: [Accessed October 1, 2021]. 

-Ruswick, T., (2017). How to get inspired - My main method for inspiration in game development. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 October 2021].



  1. Milena, I was just like you- was convinced that people who are creating video games are geniuses! Although, after reading those articles that you recommend I am starting to believe that Maybe some day I will be able to make a small video game myself. Lol

    1. After reading the articles I realised we can all create great games ! Cant wait :D

  2. Nice to see that anyone can make a game! It isn't always lines of code and endless cups of coffee!

    1. I know right XD but coffee is great too ....

  3. Nice post Milena, I think we both had a similar mindset when it comes to Game Design, I was like you, the thought of designing a game seemed so impossible. It wasn’t until I was able to read the assigned article and learnt that it only needed a few basic fundamentals. I like how you included a message about character design as it can really add that unique stamp to the game.

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š i hope our games turn out great !


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