Tutorial 04


In this weeks Unity tutorial I followed a step by step on how to create animation on animator. The animation element was fun and new but I was finding some difficulty with the enemy going too quick. The second tutorial was with Raycasts which was very familiar to me since I used it in my first game project. Raycasts in my opinion are more of the fun element in game creation. Once I created the animations and added the bullet to the prefab of Ruby my characters disappeared in game mode. I am not sure how that happened but I don't really know how to get them back to the game mode screen. If this happened to anyone please write the solution in the comments so I can fix this! :) 

Overall this weeks Unity was not difficult. I got to learn new components and experiment with new elements. I am not sure how to have the characters in a different position in game mode and I couldn't find the answer online. Hopefully someone reading this can help me :)

Normal mode 

screenshot of my Unity

Game mode 
screenshot of my Unity

This is what happens when I play in game mode and I am not sure how to solve it :D. Please help anyone 👍🏼 


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