Tutorial 05


 This weeks Unity tutorials were on Camera – Cinemachine and Visual Styling – Particles . 

I learned about perspectives in the game. How to connect the camera to the character so that when you move the camera follows so it feels like you are in the game yourself. I learned how to add polygon colliders which I have never worked on before. 

In the visual styling particles tutorial I learned about effects. I learned how to add particles such as smoke, adding different textures and how to animate them. I learned how to add gradient effects so it looks more realistic in the game. 

This weeks tutorials were something I have never worked on so it was fun to see what else Unity can do. The effects were my favourite part of this tutorial.  

Writing down tips

found on https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-pen-writing-on-white-paper-5756753/ 
Free to use


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