Tutorial 06

This week Unity tutorials were on Visual Styling – User Interface – Head-Up Display and World Interactions – Dialog Raycast .

This week I learned how to apply a canvas to make the view clearer when playing. It was fun to learn how to add health to Ruby and learn the interface. The first tutorial was a little difficult to follow but I made it. I still don't understand everything clearly but I know some of the parts.

The second part was really fun. Creating the canvas so that the frog would communicate in the game was cool because in my opinion the game comes to life with dialogues.  

The only difficulty I had in this tutorial was one of my scripts was missing some information that I forgot to paste back and then the game wouldn't work and I was confused why that happened but then at the end of the tutorial there were all the scripts so I just copied and pasted all of them again and it worked. 

When my scripts worked
image from https://www.pexels.com/photo/persons-hand-doing-thumbs-up-4629633/
free to use


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