Project Progress : 1st Playable

 1st Playable 

This is my first playable. This week I figured to change my enemy to a bird that is just a different colour. I added many birds but I just have to flip them to fly the other way. So far I have added the birds to multiple as they fly along so that when the game is finally done, you as a player will have an obstacle to over take and that obstacle will be the birds flying towards you. I am going to add a counter on top of the screen so when the game begins you will see the numbers go up. I decided to add a game over to my game too. 

So far it has only been stressful because of all of the other modules and the amount of work. This week I edited my chapter for a very long time to perfect it so I wouldn't have to keep changing things around. I feel like this game will be fun to play and it also has an obstacle which is always a fun factor to any game. 

Last Weeks progress
screenshot of my game

This Weeks Progress

screenshot of my game

I am happy with how everything is going so far and I will enjoy finishing my game during Easter and perfecting any other mistakes. 


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